Thursday, April 24, 2014

Welcome To My World

I started a blog once...and then I never updated it.  And then I lost the password.  And then it got deleted due to inactivity.  This time will be different...I hope. 

Now, you've been here for all of two seconds and you already know I'm not good at finishing things.  What can I say?  Commitment makes me nervous (unless we're talking about my wonderful boyfriend)!  But in an effort to commit myself to you, I am going to lay it all bare.

I discovered my love of writing in the fourth grade.  There was something fantastic about stringing together otherwise innocuous words, and from them creating meaning.  The delight in my teacher's voice when she read my paper out loud kindled a feeling I still can't describe, even for all my love of words.

See, I like people (most of them, anyways) but I am shy - always have been, probably always will be.  For some people, interactions with others comes easily- those same people know the joy they get from other people's reactions.  Whether it's the class clown who feeds on other's laughter, or the girl next door who is so confident in who she is that others can't help but like love her.  For me, the only time I can truly be myself, unhindered by what people will think of me, is when I write.  And so I do it, because it is the only thing I've ever wanted to do.  I write because it is the only time that the world makes sense.  I write because I can't not do it.

But writing is a selfish act.  You sit at a desk with your laptop or notebook, tune the world out, and create a world that is entirely yours.  You pour your heart and your soul into something that no one may ever read, and you do it because you're chasing that feeling- the one I had in fourth grade, of "I'm changing someone's life".  It's not at all as glamorous as a surgeon working hours around the clock, or a police officer chasing down criminals.  You don't need to be a hero to change someone's life- sometimes, inspiring thought is enough.  That is, perhaps, the single most beautiful thing I can imagine coming from a selfish act.  

And just as I am selfish in my writing, I am selfish in my privacy.  It is my fear to not be accepted once my writing reveals my true nature that has kept me from sharing it...until now.  You see, going for your dreams is something that can't be attained while you're bound to silly things like caring about what other people think and being selfish.  That is why I am here, making a commitment to let you into my world.  If you hate it, I've made a commitment to myself not to let negative opinions destroy my passion.  I'm not saying it will be easy- getting to know me is a process that takes a long, long time (I'm still finding some things out myself), but I promise it will be worth it.  Cause if it's not worth it in my writing, I'll make you cookies and then it will be even, right?

If you're lucky I might not even burn them.

"It is the mystery which lies all around the little we know which makes life so unspeakably interesting.  I am thankful that which I do not know, is so immeasurably greater than that which I know.  I am thankful that I am only at the beginning of things."   -Reuen Thomas, Thoughts for the Thoughtful
It is the mystery which lies all around the little we know which makes life so unspeakably interesting. I am thankful that that which I do not know, is so immeasurably greater than that which I know. I am thankful that I am only at the beginning of things.
REUEN THOMAS, Thoughts for the Thoughtful

It is the mystery which lies all around the little we know which makes life so unspeakably interesting. I am thankful that that which I do not know, is so immeasurably greater than that which I know. I am thankful that I am only at the beginning of things.
REUEN THOMAS, Thoughts for the Thoughtful

It is the mystery which lies all around the little we know which makes life so unspeakably interesting. I am thankful that that which I do not know, is so immeasurably greater than that which I know. I am thankful that I am only at the beginning of things.
REUEN THOMAS, Thoughts for the Thoughtful

It is the mystery which lies all around the little we know which makes life so unspeakably interesting. I am thankful that that which I do not know, is so immeasurably greater than that which I know. I am thankful that I am only at the beginning of things.
REUEN THOMAS, Thoughts for the Thoughtful

It is the mystery which lies all around the little we know which makes life so unspeakably interesting. I am thankful that that which I do not know, is so immeasurably greater than that which I know. I am thankful that I am only at the beginning of things.
REUEN THOMAS, Thoughts for the Thoughtful



  1. I have always loved your writing!! Soon the world will love it as well!1 <3

  2. Beautifully written :)
